University Partnerships

Let your time abroad get you ahead academically too!

Thanks to our partnership with Portland State University you can earn up to 12 transferable upper-division credits for participating in an Andégo program!

Whether attending Portland State or transferring your credits to another school, we want you to be recognized for the time, effort, and growth you experience during your year abroad!

You can utilize credits to satisfy degree requirements or to simply earn general elective credits at your school.

Each of the courses listed below have specific requirements, please contact for more details.

Courses available:

Tuition Cost:

For Portland State students (current or anticipated):

For non-Portland State students (credits to be transferred to another school):

Interested in getting started?  Contact your Andégo program coordinator for an application!

Pacific University (Oregon) offers several academic and financial incentives to Andégo participants!

Pacific University wants to encourage you to participate in the Andégo Internships Program by validating your internship and awarding you 12 credits for prior experiential learning as well as scholarship incentives. As a result, students participating in the Andégo Internships Program and later attending Pacific University are eligible to benefit from all of the following:

* Limited availability. The scholarship is confirmed at the time deferred admission to Pacific University is granted, on a first come, first served basis. 

Interested in getting started?  Contact your Andégo program coordinator for an application!